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2020.07-现 在:南宫28-南宫28平台
1. 国家自然科学基金: 油菜BnaCDPK1基因调控种子大小的分子机理研究,主持, 2023年-2026年;
2. 国家自然科学基金: BnaBOI1与BnaPATL2互作调控油菜分枝数的分子机理研究,主持, 2020年-2023年;
3. 国家自然科学基金:油菜矮杆新基因BnDF1在GA信号转导途径中的功能分析,31671729,主持,2017年-2020年;
4. 国家自然科学基金:甘蓝型油菜温敏胚珠败育基因的克隆与鉴定,31301351,主持,2014年-2016年;
5. 国家重点研发计划:油菜和花生重要基因资源挖掘与利用,子课题,2022YFD1200400,主持,2022年-2027年;
6. 国家重点研发计划:七大作物育种专项子课题,油菜优异种质资源的创建、评价及利用,2016YFD0100202,主持,2016年-2021年;
7. 重庆市自然科学基金:油菜BnaCDPK1基因调控籽粒大小的分子机制研究,主持,2021年-2027年;
8. 重庆市基础科学与前沿技术研究项目:油菜多分枝基因BnB1的功能,cstc2017jcyjAX0391,主持,2017年-2019年;
9. 重庆市应用开发计划项目:油菜超长链脂肪酸合成关键基因BnHcd的功能解析及表达调控研究,cstc2014yykfA80008,主持,2014年-2016年
1. Yixin Cui, Xiao Zeng, Qing Xiong, Dayong Wei, Jinghang Liao, Yang Xu, Guanqun Chen, Yonghong Zhou, Hongli Dong, Huafang Wan, Zhi Liu, Jiana Li, Liang Guo, Christian Jung, Yajun He*, Wei Qian*. Combining quantitative trait locus and co-expression analysis allowed identification of new candidates for oil accumulation in rapeseed. 2021, 72(5): 1649–1660.
2. Yajun He, Dingxue Hu, Jingcan You, Daoming Wu, Yixin Cui, Hongli Dong, Jiana Li, Wei Qian. Genome-wide association study and protein network analysis for understanding candidate genes involved in root development at the rapeseed seedling stage. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2019.137:42-52.
3. Yajun He, Ying Fu, Dingxue Hu, Dayong Wei, Wei Qian. QTL mapping of seed glucosinolate content responsible for environment in Brassica napus. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: 891.
4. Hongli Dong, Chuandong Tan, Yuzhen Li, Yan He, Shuai Wei, Yixin Cui, Yangui Chen, Dayong Wei, Ying Fu, Yajun He, Huafang Wan, Zhi Liu, Qing Xiong, Kun Lu, Jiana Li, Wei Qian. Genome-wide association study reveals both overlapping and independent genetic loci to control seed weight and silique length in Brassica napus. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: 921.
5. Yongjing Zhang, Qinfei Li, Yixin Cui, Zhi Liu, Zhifu Chen, Yajun He, Jiaqin Mei, Qing Xiong, Xiaorong Li, Wei Qian. Genetic characterization and fine mapping for multi‑inflorescence in Brassica napus L. Theor Appl Genet, 2018, 131(11): 2311-2319.
6. Yajun He, Daoming Wu, Dayong Wei, Ying Fu, Yixin Cui, Hongli Dong, Chuandong Tan, Wei Qian. GWAS, QTL mapping and gene expression analyses in Brassica napus reveal genetic control of branching morphogenesis. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 15971.
7. Dayong Wei, Yixin Cui, Yajun He, Qing Xiong, Lunwen Qian, Chaobo Tong, Guangyuan Lu, Yijuan Ding, Jiana Li, Christian Jung, Wei Qian. A genome-wide survey with different rapeseed ecotypes uncovers footprints of domestication and breeding. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2017, 68 (17): 4791-4801.
8. Yajun He, Shaoshuai Mao, Yulong Gao, Liying Zhu, Daoming Wu, Yixin Cui, Jiana Li, Wei Qian. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of WRKY transcription factors under multiple stresses in Brassica napus. PLOS ONE, 11(6): e0157558.
9. Pawan Kuma, Yajun He, Rippy Singh, Richard F. Davis, Hui Guo, Andrew H. Paterson, Daniel G. Peterson, Xinlian Shen, Robert L. Nichols, Peng W. Chee. Fine mapping and identification of candidate genes for a QTL affecting Meloidogyne incognita reproduction in Upland cotton. BMC Genomics, 2016, 17:567.
10. Ying Fu, Dayong Wei, Hongli Dong, Yajun He, Yixin Cui, Jiaqin Mei, Huafang Wan, Jiana Li, Rod Snowdon, Wolfgang Friedt, Xiaorong Li, Wei Qian. Comparative quantitative trait loci for silique length and seed weight in Brassica napus. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:14407.
11. Yajun He, Pawan Kumar, Xinlian Shen, Richard F. Davis, Guillermo Van Becelaere, O. Lloyd May, Robert L. Nichols, Peng W. Chee. Re-evaluation of the inheritance for root-knot nematode resistance in the Upland cotton germplasm line M-120 RNR revealed two epistatic QTLs conferring resistance. Theor Appl Genet, 2014, 127:1343-1351.
12. Liezhao Liu, Cunmin Qu, Benjamin Wittkop, Bin Yi, Yang Xiao, Yajun He, Rod J. Snowdon, Jiana Li. A high-density SNP map for accurate mapping of seed fibre QTL in Brassica napus L. PLOS ONE, 2014, 8(12): e83052.
13. Xinlian Shen, Yajun He, Edward L. Lubbers, Richard F. Davis, Robert L. Nichols and Peng W. Chee. Fine mapping QMi-C11 a major QTL controlling root-knot nematodes resistance in Upland cotton. Theor Appl Genet, 2010, 121:1623–1631.
14. Yajun He, Wangzhen Guo, Xinlian Shen, Tianzhen Zhang. Molecular cloning and characterization of a cytosolic glutamine synthetase gene, a fiber strength-associated gene in cotton. Planta, 2008, 228:473–483.
15. 蒙姜宇, 梁光伟, 贺亚军*, 钱伟. 甘蓝型油菜耐盐和耐旱相关性状的QTL分析. 作物学报, 2021, 47(3): 462-471.
16. 蒙姜宇, 傅鹰, 贺亚军*, 钱伟. 利用DH和IF2群体检测油菜籽粒油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸含量QTL. 作物学报, 2019, 45(9): 1338-1348.
17. 贺亚军, 吴道明, 傅鹰, 钱伟. 利用DH和IF2群体检测甘蓝型油菜株高相关性状QTL. 作物学报, 2018, 44(4): 533-541.
18. 贺亚军, 吴道明, 游婧璨, 钱伟. 油菜耐盐相关性状的全基因组关联分析及其候选基因预测. 中国农业科学, 2017,50(7):1189-1201.
19. 许汪洁, 傅鹰, 董红利, 陈致富, 张沁芸, 毛少帅, 贺亚军*, 钱伟. 一个甘蓝型油菜胚珠败育突变体的形态鉴定及生理特性分析. 中国农业科学, 2014,47(10):2062-2068.