2012.09-2015.06:石河子大学,硕士,导师:孙杰 教授
2015.09-2021.12:西南大学,博士,导师:裴炎 教授
1) 植物与病原真菌互作机理
2) 植物解毒真菌毒素的途径及分子机制
1) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,32202320,ALA1的N端与C端在起始囊泡包装真菌毒素DON并转运至液泡中的功能,2023.1-2025.12,30万元
2) 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,CSTB2022NSCQ-MSX0625,植物P4-ATPases解毒真菌毒素DON与T-2提高玉米抗禾谷镰刀菌的功能研究,2022.8-2024.8,10万元
3) 西南大学基本科研业务费,SWU-KQ22011,植物ALA1转运并解毒真菌毒素的分子机制,2022.1-2023.12,10万元
4) 重庆市研究生科研创新项目,CYB17072,P4-ATPases介导的植物对大丽轮枝菌解毒机理研究,2017.5-2019.5,2万
1) Fanlong Wang, Xianbi Li, Yujie Li, Jing Han, Yang Chen, Jianyan Zeng, Mei Su, Jingxin Zhuo, Hui Ren, Haoru Liu, Lei Hou, Yanhua Fan, Xingying Yan, Shuiqing Song, Juan Zhao, Dan Jin, Mi Zhang, and Yan Pei* (2021) Arabidopsis P4 ATPases-mediated cell detoxification confers resistance to Fusarium graminearum and Verticillium dahliae, Nature Communications, 12, 6426.
2) Fan Xu#, Li Huang#, Junyao Wang, Caixia Ma, Yingqing Tan, Fanlong Wang, Yanhua Fan, Ming Luo* (2022) Sphingolipid synthesis inhibitor fumonisin B1 causes verticillium wilt in cotton, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 64(4): 836-842.
3) Yang Chen, Mi Zhang, Lei Wang, Xiaohan Yu, Xianbi Li, Dan Jin, Jianyan Zeng, Hui Ren, Fanlong Wang, Shuiqing Song, Xingying Yan, Juan Zhao, Lei Hou, Yan Pei* (2021) GhKWL1 upregulates GhERF105 but its function is impaired by binding with VdISC1, a pathogenic effector of Verticillium dahliae, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(14), 7328.
4) Hui Ren, Xianbi Li, Yujie Li, Mengjun Li, Jiyuan Sun, Fanlong Wang, Jianyan Zeng, Yang Chen, Lei Wang, Xingying Yan, Yanhua Fan, Dan Jin, Yan Pei* (2022) Loss of function of VdDrs2, a P4-ATPase, impairs the toxin secretion and microsclerotia formation, and decreases the pathogenicity of Verticillium dahliae, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13: 944364.
5) Xiaoyan Ding#, Xianbi Li#, Lei Wang, Jianyan Zeng, Liang Huang, Li Xiong, Shuiqing Song, Juan Zhao, Lei Hou, Fanlong Wang, Yan Pei* (2021) Sucrose enhanced reactive oxygen species generation promotes cotton fiber initiation and secondary cell wall deposition, Plant Biotechnology Journal, 19(6), 1092.
6) Jianyan Zeng, Xingying Yan, Wenqin Bai, Mi Zhang, Yang Chen, Xianbi Li, Lei Hou, Juan Zhao, Xiaoyan Ding, Ruochen Liu, Fanlong Wang, Hui Ren, Jingyi Zhang, Bo Ding, Haoru Liu, Yuehua Xiao, Yan Pei* (2022) Carpel-specific down-regulation of GhCKXs in cotton significantly enhances seed and fiber yield, Journal of Experimental Botany, 73(19): 6758-6772.
7) Wenhan Cheng, Fanlong Wang, Xinqi Cheng, Qianhao Zhu, Yuqiang Sun, Huaguo Zhu*, Jie Sun* (2015) Polyamine and its metabolite H2O2 play a key role in the conversion of embryogenic callus into somatic embryos in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), Frontiers in Plant Science, 6:1063.
8) Xingxin Tang, Lan Wu, Fanlong Wang, Wengang Tian, Xiaoming Hu, Shuangxia Jin, Huaguo Zhu* (2021) Ectopic expression of GhSAMDC3 enhanced salt tolerance due to accumulated Spd content and activation of salt tolerance-related genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. DNA Cell Biology, 40(9): 1144-1157.
9) 王凡龙, 朱华国*, 程文翰, 刘永昌, 成新琪, 孙杰 (2015) 棉花S-腺苷蛋氨酸脱羧酶基因(GhSAMDC2/3/4)的克隆及其诱导表达分析, 棉花学报, 27(1):176-183
1) 裴炎, 王凡龙, 侯磊, 韩菁, 卓静欣, 苏梅, 李玉杰, 任慧, 宋水清. 利用AtALA1基因降低呕吐毒素含量而提高植物对禾谷镰刀菌抗性的方法, 中国, 2022.11.25, 专利号: ZL202010663567.2(已授权)
2) 裴炎, 王凡龙, 侯磊, 苏梅, 卓静欣, 韩菁, 李玉杰, 陈杨, 李先碧. 利用AtALA7基因提高植物对大丽轮枝菌抗性的方法, 中国, 2022.11.25,专利号: ZL202010661773.X(已授权)
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